Toronto expanding its Traffic Agents Program to increase road safety

Toronto Traffic Agents Program. Image credit: Twitter/Jennifer Mckelvie

Toronto/CMEDIA: Traffic Agents Program of the City of Toronto is being expanded to increase road safety and better manage traffic congestion, a news release has said.

A total of 30 Traffic Agents are budgeted to be deployed this year.

The City’s Traffic Agents program employs Traffic Agents at the City at key intersections during the morning and afternoon peak traffic periods to ensure all road users comply with traffic laws and regulations including ensuring roads are clear for emergency services and public transit and assist with traffic management during events or road closures

The 14 Traffic Agents – including 11 new employees – will be placed where they are needed most based on evolving traffic demands and deploying one or two agents to a single location depending on the size and complexity of an intersection.

All Traffic Agents will currently be deployed to the following priority locations:

Front Street West and Bay Street
Front Street West and Simcoe Street
Front Street West and University Avenue/York Street
Adelaide Street West and University Avenue
Adelaide Street East and Jarvis Street
Queen Street West and Bay Street
Wellington Street West and Simcoe Street
Lower Jarvis Street and Lake Shore Boulevard East
York Street and Gardiner Expressway (on-ramp)
Bloor Street West and Bay Street
Bay Street and Richmond Street West
Spadina Avenue and Lake Shore Boulevard West
Yonge Street and Lake Shore Boulevard
Bremner Boulevard and York Street
Eglinton Avenue West and Allen Road
Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue

While continuing to observe traffic volumes and peak traffic times, the City is in the process of hiring additional Traffic Agents to reach the full approved complement for 2023 and they will be trained and deployed as quickly as possible.

Successfully piloted in 2016, the Traffic Agent program was responsible, during the pilot period, for at least a 90 per cent reduction in blocked intersections and a 70 per cent reduction in blockage of intersections by pedestrians.

The Toronto Police Service (TPS) is also supporting the Traffic Agents program on a six-month pilot basis by assigning Police and Special Constables to strategic intersections during peak traffic periods this spring and summer.

While on-duty resources will reportedly not be used for the pilot project, up to 20 Special Constables and Police Constables per day can find staff locations on a call-back basis during rush hour, with some assignments on weekends.

Current TPS members with Special Constable designation with specific Highway Traffic Act training in traffic direction have the authority and ability to perform traffic direction assignments. Traffic direction is a component of Special Constable new hires, including in-class and practical training.

As part of MoveTO, the Traffic Agents program is aligned with the City’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, the Goods Movement Strategy and helps build a more resilient, modern and safe transportation system.

Using piloted and proven techniques and technologies, MoveTO manages vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist traffic along key corridors and intersections in Toronto.

Other actions by the City of Toronto include Smart traffic signals, Intelligent Intersections, Advanced Transit Signal Priority (ATSP), and The Construction Hubs Program

City staff are working closely with MLSE, Rogers and other partners to establish Event Traffic Management Zones that comprise major venue blocks such as the Rogers Centre, Scotiabank Arena, the CN Tower and Exhibition Place grounds.

#Toronto’ #TorontoTrafficAgentsProgram; #TPS; #RoadSafety