Toronto celebrates tenth annual Toronto Newcomer Day at Nathan Phillips Square

Toronto Newcomer Day. Image credit: @cityoftoronto

Toronto/CMEDIA: Toronto’s reportedly tenth annual Toronto Newcomer Day, Toronto’s largest annual newcomer event hosted May 23 by the City of Toronto welcomed newcomers to Toronto and honoured their important contributions to the city.

Proclaiming May 23 as Newcomer Day, Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow attended the event alongside Deputy Mayor Ausma Malik (Councillor, Spadina- Fort York).

“This year’s theme of “Looking Back” shines a spotlight on the artists who have participated in the events,  and why attending Toronto Newcomer Day was an integral part of their success, “said a news release.

“Each year, tens of thousands of people from around the world choose Toronto as their new home…showcases how deep and vibrant our newcomer community is,” said Chow.

Included in this year’s program were performances by Rosary and Myranda Spence; African drumming by The Ngoma Ensemble; and Nawa Choir. 

50 new Canadians at a citizenship ceremony were received with help by the Government of Canada, City officials and attendees.

Being one of the first municipalities in Canada to create a newcomer day in 2015, Toronto  has since welcomed more than 55,000 people to the annual event.

Toronto’s first celebration of newcomer day in 2015 was attended by more than 2,000 people growing to more than 10,000 people attending in 2022 and again in 2023, and with estimated more than 12,000 people in 2024.

New comers were offered opportunities in this event to learn about settlement services, community programs alongside a range of activities including a food fair, marketplace and cultural performances showcasing the city’s diverse communities.

Present in this ceremony were over 140 exhibitors and other organizations specializing in accessibility supports, arts and cultural awareness and education, children and youth services, employment counselling, and training and support services for shelter and housing offering assistance for newcomers to Canada and Toronto.

Toronto Newcomer Day was sponsored by Desjardins Financial Group, Metrolinx, New Canadians TV, Rogers Communications, Greater Toronto Airports Authority and Tim Hortons.

More information about Newcomer Day is available at