#Toronto #BONGPOINT; #BengaliFood; #BengaliFoodCarnival; #TagoreCentre; #NorthAmerica; #Bengalicuisine, #BengaliCommunity; #BengaliSweets; #BengaliSpices
Toronto/IBNS-CMEDIA: A much-awaited and upcoming Bengali Food Carnival hosted by BONG POINT would be held as follows:
Date: 10th August 2024
Time: 1 pm onwards
Venue: Tagore Centre,Toronto situated at 140 Millwick Drive Toronto, ON, M9L 1Y6, Canada.
For the first time in the history of North America, a culinary extravaganza celebrating the rich flavours of Bengal enables the visitors to indulge their taste buds with the vibrant world of Bengali cuisine

Presenting in this carnival includes Koraishutir Kochuri and Aloo Dum, iconic Bengali breakfast dishes, especially during the winter months when fresh peas (koraishuti) are in season.
Known for their bold flavours and comforting appeal, these represent the culinary heritage and cultural richness of Bengal, without which no Bengali food carnival would be complete without them.
Whether you’re a curious food enthusiast or an authority of Bengali cuisine, this Bengali Food Carnival promises an unforgettable experience for all. Mark your calendars and join us for a celebration of flavours, culture and community.
Bengalis cutting across the national borders are an integral part of the cosmopolitan mosaic that is North America. But their food never found an outlet in massy food courts of the popular malls.
American food channels blissfully passed around Bengali cuisine. The rich edible history of Bengal never found a patron. Even though we make the best dessert in the world, hardly anyone outside of the Bengali community got to taste authentic Bengali sweets.
Well, we have resolved to change the story.
We are fortunate that we have a group today that has set upon rewriting the script. It is high time that we as Bengalis come together and take our food to places.
Perhaps a decade from now, we can proudly tell our children how we changed the plot and gave Bengali food the recognition that it deserved.
With passion and collective effort, let us make it happen.
Then let the mystical art of Bengali spices rule the hearts through the stomach.
Event organized by: BONG POINT
Event managed and marketed by: Twinkle Starz Events