A massive network outage at Rogers paralyzed communications across Canada

Rogers AT&T. Credit: Wikipedia org

A massive network outage at Rogers Communications that shut down mobile and internet services across much of Canada on early Friday morning continued to come into focus on Saturday, even after most services were restored by the company paralyzing communications across a number of sectors, including health care, law enforcement, the financial industry, many 911 services.

Small business owners were among those hardest hit by the outage, which left them unable to process debit card payments.

Late Saturday afternoon, Rogers president and CEO Tony Staffieri said service had been restored and that the company’s networks and systems are close to fully operational.

In a written statement, Staffieri said the company is continuing to monitor its network for issues and investigate the root cause of the outage.

“We now believe we’ve narrowed the cause to a network system failure following a maintenance update in our core network, which caused some of our routers to malfunction early Friday morning,” he said.

Apologiing for the outage, Staffieri added “we’re particularly troubled that some customers could not reach emergency services and we are addressing the issue as an urgent priority.”

Some customers are still being affected by the outage of the Rogers network that disrupted service nationwide. The telecom has yet to explain what caused the disruption.

Rogers did not reply to multiple requests made on Saturday by The Canadian Press about the number of customers affected and the credit that customers will receive.

#Rogers; #Outage; #CommunicationParalyzed