A Canadian Mother-Daughter Psychological Thriller Film ‘The Uncanny’ , explores Trauma, Beauty Ideals, & Paranormal

The Uncanny Movie. Image credit: ChicArt PR

#Canada; #PsychologicalThrillerFilm; #TheUncannyMovie

Los Angeles(CA):  A visually stunning psychological horror movie Clara Gabrielle’s directorial debut ‘THE UNCANNY an official selection of The Awareness Film Festival is set to screen at the Awareness Film Festival on October 7th at 9:00 PM at the LA Live Regal Cinemas in Los Angeles. 

Known for its dedication to showcasing socially relevant films that promote positive change, ‘The Awareness Film Festival’ is the perfect platform for a film as thought-provoking as THE UNCANNY.

With its commitment to raising awareness about pressing issues, the Awareness Film Festival aligns seamlessly with the themes explored in this gripping psychological horror.

Co-writer of the screenplay, Marie Laurin, tells the story of Zouzou, an art therapist, delivering a performance that is inspired by her own journey as a mental health counselor for abused children.

Zouzou, who seeks to heal from trauma by moving to new surroundings of a world where she could not distinguish fantasy from reality and soon realizes she can’t outrun memories.

Delving into themes of trauma, grief, alienation, and their profound aftermaths, this haunting feature also serves as a powerful allegory for the unrealistic beauty standards imposed upon women through social media. 

Having garnered numerous accolades notably the prestigious “Best Female Protagonist” award at the Nevada Women’s Film Festival throughout its international festival run, THE UNCANNY has been classified as one of the films that not only successfully surpass the rarely achieved Bechdel test but also demonstrate excellence in writing, directing and the portrayal of a female protagonist.