Atsok monastery demolition begins amid strict restrictions in Tibet

Atsok monastery. Photo Courtesy: Pixabay

#AtsokMonastery, #Tibet

IBNS-CMEDIA: Amid the restriction of movement of the local Tibetan population and the internet regulations, the demolition of 135-year-old Atsok Monastery in Amdo has begun, media reports said.

According to research group Tibet Watch, Chinese authorities have forbidden the public from taking or sharing photos and videos of the monastery’s demolition as well as the construction of the Yangchu hydropower station on social media, reported Phayul.

Residents have been banned from visiting the monastery and the relocation site.

Construction at the relocation site is incomplete, and monks reside in temporary makeshift shelters. Monastery property has been stored in a warehouse in Palkha Township, the news portal reported.

The research group revealed that a source from Tibet reported an incident involving a Tibetan from Dekyi Village who was arrested and detained by police last month after sharing pictures of the demolition and a photo of the Dalai Lama on the micro-messaging app WeChat. The individual’s identity and current whereabouts remain unknown, the news portal further said.

The relocation is being done as a part of a hydropower project approved on November 29, 2021, by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).