Security forces or extremist allies? A disturbing trend in Calgary, Canada


#Khalistan, #Punjab, #Canada

Canadians take pride in their diverse and inclusive society. Their values are rooted in peace, democracy, and respect for all.

However, recent events in Calgary have cast a shadow over these principles, revealing a troubling partnership between security institutions and extremist entities.

The Calgary Police Service, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and the Armed Forces are set to participate in a convoy hosted by Dashmesh Gurdwara on July 6, promoting the Khalistan referendum event scheduled for July 28. This event is dedicated to Talwinder Singh Parmar, a figure synonymous with terrorism and violence.

Talwinder Singh Parmar, the founder of Babbar Khalsa, is not just a controversial figure—he is recognized by the Canadian government as a terrorist. Parmar was a co-conspirator in the horrific 1985 Air India bombings, which claimed 331 innocent lives, including many Canadians and children. To see security institutions—those tasked with protecting us—parade alongside organizers who glorify such a figure is deeply unsettling and wrong.

The involvement of the Calgary Police, RCMP, and Armed Forces in this event is more than just a public relations misstep; it is a blatant endorsement of extremism. These organizations annually set up recruitment tents and actively participate in events at Dashmesh Gurdwara, seemingly turning a blind eye to the glorification of individuals who have perpetrated acts of terror. This association, done in the name of diversity, dangerously undermines the very fabric of Canada’s domestic security.

The security institutions are meant to safeguard the citizens of Canada, not further the agenda of extremist movements. By aligning themselves with organizations that honor terrorists, these institutions are sending a message that is antithetical to their core mission. They are signaling that Canada, a nation built on peace and security, is willing to tolerate and even support the glorification of terrorism.

This raises a critical question: Should Canada not have some standards when it comes to the partnerships its security institutions forge? It is imperative that police, politicians, and security agencies refrain from collaborating with any religious or cultural institution that serves as a base for glorifying terrorists and entities recognized as terrorist organizations by Canada. Commitment to diversity must not come at the expense of safety and moral integrity.

The participation of Calgary’s security forces in these events sets a dangerous precedent. It normalizes the presence and influence of extremist ideologies within communities, making domestic safety less secure. It is time for a reassessment of these alliances. Security institutions must realign their partnerships to reflect their primary duty: ensuring the safety and security of all Canadians, free from the threat of extremism.

Canada’s stance on terrorism must be unequivocal. We cannot allow the principles of diversity and inclusion to be manipulated to support extremist agendas. It is crucial for security institutions to maintain a clear and consistent standard, one that unequivocally rejects any form of terrorism and those who perpetrate it.

Since the leadership isn’t, it is up to the citizens to hold the security institutions accountable. They must demand that the agencies uphold the highest standards of integrity and public safety. The glorification of terrorists has no place in Canada, and the police, RCMP, and Armed Forces must reflect this in their actions and affiliations. Only then can Canada truly claim to be a nation committed to peace, security, and the well-being of all its citizens.

(With Text and photo courtesy: