Ontario Premier Doug Ford announces modified roles for his team of parliamentary assistants

Doug Ford. Image credit: Facebook page of Doug Ford

Toronto/CMEDIA: Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced yesterday modified roles for his team of parliamentary assistants to better support the government’s plan to build Ontario, a news release has said.

New responsibilities fo Ontario’s parliamentary assistant include the following:

  • Kevin Holland will serve as Parliamentary Assistant to Minister of Northern Development and as Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Indigenous Affairs
  • Matthew Rae will serve as Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
  • Sheref Sabawy will serve as Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery
  • Dave Smith will serve as Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Besides, wth resuming of the legislature, Goldie Ghamari as chair of the Standing Committee on Justice and Vincent Ke as chair of the Standing Committee on Social Policy would be nominated by the government house leader’s will moving of appropriate motions.

#Ontario; #OntarioPremier; #DougFord; #parliamentaryassistantsroles