International Day of Yoga celebrations at Queens Park Toronto

IDY. Image credit: Canada India Foundation

Toronto/CMEDIA: International Day of Yoga (IDY) would reportedly be celebrated today at 3:00 pm at the Queen’s Park, Toronto by Canada India Foundation along with any other community organizations and will continue for the whole month of June across all communities in Canada and world over. 

Having nurtured human consciousness for ages with a message of One Family, One Earth, One Future,  the foundations of Bharat signifies or even has more relevance in today’s times when the whole world needs unity and peace than ever before.

Along with many other eternally true ancient wisdoms, Yoga is Bharat’s gift to humanity with the power to bring transformational positive change in lives of every human on the planet.

 Ever since the United Nations declared June 21 as International Yoga Day in 2015 at the suggestion of India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, this event has been gathering momentum. 

Though Yoga has been practiced by many since centuries, this was done to expand the goodness and energy of the World Yoga family!

By joining this event, participants can submerge and feel the bliss of unity of body & mind which will eventually create a much needed blissful world around us. 

Our elected representatives in Ontario are working hard for the well being of all communities and will be joining this celebration.