Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra. Image credit: Facebook page
CMEDIA: Consciousness is considered to be the final frontier of science. Scientific measurement of the experiential states of consciousness is a highly challenging task that is being attempted by scientists using advanced neuroimaging techniques that include, EEG, Meg and fMRI.
In the doctoral research work carried out by Ms. Rosy Parmar at the Department of Physics and Computer Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India, under the supervision of Dr. Dayal Pyari Srivastava and Prof. Sukhdev Roy, the effect of Surat-Shabda-Yoga (UtraTranscendental Meditation) on the psycho-physiological states of consciousness of children, short-term meditators and long-term meditators has been studiedusing Infra-Red Thermography.

It has been shown that it leads to a larger increase in the temperature of the tip of the fingers, palms, and the position of the third-eye and that too in a relatively shorter time.

An important finding from the IRT imaging is that the temperature of the nostrils decreases during Surat-Shabda-Yoga meditation and becomes low indicating that the breathing has become very light and the meditator is in a higher state of consciousness. Controlling breathing to attain higher states of consciousness by yogic practices, is the fundamental exercise which is carried out in the age-old practice of pranayama, which is easily achieved by Surat-Shabda-Yoga meditation on Ra-Dha-Sva-Aah-Mi name and contemplation on the form of the living Sant Satguru.
The study also shows that other physiological parameters that inclue, blood pressure, oxygen level and pulse rate also get regulated and stablized with Surat-Shabda-Yoga meditation. A psychometric study using MBTI and CQI psychometric tests has also been carried out that shows that Surat-Shabda-Yoga has a strong transformative effect on the subjects.
The pilot study opens up exciting prospects for future research using multi-modal techniques aling with IRT, involving larger group of subjects and with more advanced equipment to scientifically validate the wisdom of the Eastern Saints and their teachings of Sant-Mat and Ra-Dha-Sva-Aah-Mi Faith. The PhD Thesis will be awarded the PhD degree in the 41st Convocation of the Dayalbagh Ecucational Institute, Agra, India on February 18, 2023.
#DayalbaghEducationalInstitute; #Agra; #Research; #SuratShabdaYoga; #UtraTranscendentalMeditaion