Manitoba Government signs agreement to make Provincial Highways Safer

Lisa Naylor. Image credit: Facebook page

CMEDIA/Winnipeg: Manitoba’s Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Lisa Naylor reportedly announced today about a five-year agreement signed by the Manitoba government with the University of Manitoba’s Urban Mobility and Transportation Informatics Group (UMTIG) to make provincial highways safer.

The partnership of UMTIG with the Manitoba Highway Traffic Information System (MHTIS), Manitoba’s traffic monitoring program for provincial highways would further offer MHTIS, a key system that provides critical information on traffic volumes on all provincial highways.

Effective research and data-driven decisions for improving Manitoba’s roads will involve an investment of $1.5 million to ensure the continued delivery of MHTIS to Manitobans.

“We are very pleased to continue this long-standing partnership with MTI..helps address the practical challenges of providing a safe and resilient transport system for our province,” said UMTIG’s co-directorJonathan Regehr and Babak Mehran, associate professors of civil engineering at the University of Manitoba.

A partnership between MTI and UMTIG for the collection, analysis and distribution of information about traffic movement on Manitoba highways, MHTIS’ service is widely used by engineers, consultants, researchers, students, other levels of government and the general public.

An innovative traffic information system, created by the combination of MTI’s technical expertise in traffic data collection along with the university students’ and faculty’s developmental research focus, continues to evolve as new data requirements and technologies emerge, noted Naylor and added that the Manitoba government is proud to continue to support the engineers of tomorrow through esteemed programs like UMTIG.

Working under the direction of professional engineers with expertise in traffic measurement and estimation, MHTIS is planned, designed, implemented and operated by Price Faculty of Engineering graduate students.